I am a psychotherapist with a goal to help you in the here and now by assisting you in learning concrete skills for helping you cope in your day to day life while gently helping you confront unhealthy coping and behavioral patterns that are detrimental to living your life to its full potential. The therapy process is one that is very personal, it can bring up many feelings, doubts and questions while challenging you in ways that you did expect. My hope is to help you navigate those feelings, doubts, challenges and work with you as a teammate throughout your process.
As a Therapist & Counselor I am trained to work on a diversity of issues, here are some of the areas that I can help you with:
RELATIONSHIP ISSUES – COUPLES WORK – MARRIAGE COUNSELING – DIVORCE- Together, we can resolve intimacy and communication issues, as your couples therapist I can also help you manage the numerous feelings that can come with the divorce process. I specialize in working with couples of all sexual orientations and genders, including multicultural couples.
GRIEF AND LOSS, INCLUDING PET LOSS- We’ll work together to cope with the death of a parent, child, sibling, spouse/life partner, friend or pet. This can be an especially difficult time, whether the death was caused by illness, suicide, homicide or an accident. The grief experienced can be overwhelming making it difficult for you to manage day to day activities. I offer compassionate grief counseling that can help you find the support you need.
LIFE TRANSITIONS – In this day and age, you can feel as if nothing is certain. I can help you within the therapy process surmount the confusion surrounding role transitions, career changes, transitions from college/graduate school, job loss, identity confusion/crisis, aging and much more.
DEPRESSION – Many people may not understand that you can’t just “snap” out of being depressed. It is at times difficult to find the support and understanding that you need. I can help you learn positive coping skills that will help you manage depression but also help you learn how to prevent falling into another depression cycle after you are feeling better.
COPING WITH CHRONIC ILLNESS – If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with a chronic health issue, you can feel concerned, angry, sad and overwhelmed. Don’t feel as if you’re in it alone. I have successfully helped counsel individuals with living with health issues such as HIV/AIDS, diabetics, women’s health issues and other chronic health issues.
WOMEN – Women often doubt what they are feeling and ascribe their feelings to “being hormonal” or “over-dramatic.” I work with women to help you empower yourself to trust your feelings and work through the negative messages imposed by society on what women should or should not do or be. Many women even today still find themselves locked into stereotypical roles or ideas that often times make women feel trapped and unable to seek out who they really are.
LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, and GENDER ISSUES are also areas of importance for me. I work with individuals struggling with self-acceptance or acceptance by others due to sexual orientation, sexual expressions or gender identity. I work to help individuals facing homophobia and transphobia and other facets of prejudice and discrimination that impact your self-esteem and ideas of self and the unique dynamics that can arise within relationships when having to cope with negative messages and policies that affect day to day living and self-acceptance.
SPIRITUALITY – Spirituality can help affirm us, uplift us and through it we can find meaning about life and cope with difficult times. At times however these difficult times or our personal identities can come into conflict with our spiritual beliefs, perhaps leaving us with doubts, questioning our beliefs and feeling lost. I work with you to examine the disconnect and to help make sense of what has happened or who you are in a manner that incorporates spirituality and allows for the process of questioning and reclaiming as well as more spiritual discovery.
I am also available for onsite crisis/grief debriefing for work sites & school sites for emergency situations in cases of death(s) occurring at work sites/school sites or deaths of employee(s) or student(s). Contact me for more information at xxxxxxxxxx or read more at something.